Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Attract the Right Kind of Renter

When it comes to the rental game, you’d like to think you have it all.  You managed to not just
secure a great place for you and your family to live, you also have another property in a hot city or town that’s just waiting for renters.  You’ve spread the word to friends and family, have a post with plenty of photos on your local Craigslist page, and now you’re just waiting for the renters to show themselves.  You know that these things take time, but you feel like you’ve been waiting to rent it out for a while.  

If you have a rental in a popular location, you have a lot of competition.  There are real estate developers and companies that spent thousands in advertising, so it’ll be hard for an independent renter to get seen.  If you’ve been waiting for renters to apply for a while, it may be time to think about your strategy in a different way.  You may not be advertising yourself the right way, or your rental property may need a little bit of work.  Either way, if you’re ready to stand out among the competition, make sure you follow these steps.

Consider a staging

Your rental apartment or home looks gorgeous when there’s furniture or decor, but right now it’s a bit sparse.  You may be missing out on renters because they can’t see themselves living in your rental property.  Furniture isn’t just a decor statement, it also says a lot about the people that live there.  A staging could fill your home with the latest styles in home decor, and could make your property look much more appealing.

Fix it up (more)

You may be the kind of landlord that doesn’t mind if renters do some repairs or decor changes to make their homes look beautiful.  You may expect your renters to take the reins with decor, but you may have to make your own decor changes if you want to attract the right people.  You may have made sure your home is up to code and in good order, but if it doesn’t look attractive you won’t find renters.  Try out an accent wall, or maybe a different kind of light fixture.  

Be the right kind of landlord

Do you know how many young people have a checkbook just so they can pay their rent?  Be the landlord who can accept rent payments online.  Some of your potential renters have dealt with landlords that would make tenants wait weeks before repairs were done. Instead, allow renters to make their own repairs.  Sometimes it isn’t the property people are worried about, it’s the nightmare landlord they have to deal with.

Set yourself apart, then you’ll find your loyal renters.